July 14, 2010
Hello to our faithful LHS1960 fans -- and an apology to you, also.
Last August we were in the process of setting up our NEW LHS1960 Web site where we would not have to put up with advertisements and where we could set up and protect our own name for as long as we want.
We told you our new e-mail address is classmail@LHS1960.net and as a footnote we gave you a link to www.lhs1960.net, which is the starting point for our new Web community.
Well, we had good intentions about re-creating all the old pages we had for the 40th Reunion, but you know where good intentions can lead you.
Here are links to our online connections:
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side,
Your Reunion Committee
Rather than try to re-type or to copy and paste those addresses, probably the easiest way to save them for future (frequent) use is to click on one and when the new site comes up on your screen, use your browser's "favorites" or "bookmark" function to save that address. Then click on you browser's BACK button to return here and repeat the operation for the remaining addresses.